C.G.Edwards & Co.Inc.

272 Dorchester Ave, P.O.Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)268-4111-4112 * Fax:617-268-8845
E-mail: websales@cgedwards.com

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(Formerly Ameron)

Quick Reference Guides
These pages are designed to be read on hand held devices

Zinc Primers
Dimetcote 9 Dimetcote 9H Dimetcote 9HS
Dimetcote 9VOC Dimetcoate 68HS Dimetcote 302H
Dimetcoate 21-5
Amercoat 370 Amercoat 385 Amercoat 235
Amercoat 137 Amercoat 240 Amercoat 1
Amerlock 2 Amerlock 400 Amerlock Sealer
PSX 700 PSX1001 PSX One
Amercoat 450H Amershield Amercoat 5450
ABC #3 ABC #4 Amercoat 214
Non-Skid Coatings
Amercoat 138G Amercoat 237M  
Dresser Repair Procedure

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