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Amercoat 5450 quick reference

Components 1
Curing mechanismSolvent release and air oxidation
Volume solids
(ASTM D2697 modified)
48% ± 3%
Dry film thickness (per coat)1.5-2.5 mils (38-63 microns)
When white or light colors specified, 2 coats may be required, depending on primer color.
Theoretical coverageft²/galm²/L
1 mil (25 microns) 77018.9
2 mil (50 microns) 3899.5

Environmental Conditions
      Air and Surface45 to 1007 to 38
Surface temperatures must be at least 5°F (3°C) above dew point to prevent condensation.
ThinnerAmercoat 15
Equipment CleanerThinner or Amercoat 12

Drying time @ 2 mils (ASTM D1640)°F/°C
maximum Unlimited

Application Procedures
1.Clean all equipment with thinner or Amercoat 12.
2.Stir material thoroughly with mixer until uniformly blended. Strain through cheesecloth or equivalent to remove skin particles or other contamination.
3.If needed for workability, use up to ½ pint Amercoat 15 per gallon of Amercoat 5450.
4.Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes; overlap each pass 50 percent to achieve a dry film thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 mils. If required, cross spray pass at right angles.
Note: Do not apply when the relative humidity is high and condensation is possible. Substrate temperature must be 5°F (3°C) above dew point to prevent condensation. Drying will be retarded below 39 °F (4 °F).
5.Repair or touch up, respray large areas with original thickness, brush or roll smaller areas.
6.Store unused materials in tightly closed containers. Partially filled containers may show surface skinning after storage. Remove skin by straining before use.
7.Clean all equipment with Amercoat 15 or 12 immediately after use.

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