C.G.Edwards & Co.Inc.

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Amercoat 1 quick reference

Components 1
Curing mechanism Chemical reaction, solvent evaporation
Volume solids (calculated)63 ±3%
Dry film thickness per coat4 to 6 (100 to 150 microns)
Coats 1 or 2

ThinnerAmercoat 65 or 101
Equipment cleanerThinner or Amercoat 12

Theoretical Coverageft²/galm²/L
5 mils (125 microns)20271
Flash point (SETA)°F°C
Amercoat 111244
Amercoat 657825
Amercoat 10114060

Application Data
Environmental conditions
Relative humidity50% to 85%
Surface temperatures must be at least 5°F (3°C) above dew point to prevent condensation.

Drying time (hours) °F/ °C90/3270/2150/10

minimum (hours)4816
maximum (days)71421
Application Procedure
  1. Clean equipmentwith thinner or Amercoat 12 before use.
  2. Stir material thoroughly with an air or explosion-proof power mixer until uniformly blended.
  3. Thinning is normally not required. If necessary for workability, thin with Amercoat 65 or 101 up to 1.2 pint per gallon of Amercoat One for airless and conventional spray.
    Temperature Thinner
    below 70°Amercoat 65
    above 70°Amercoat 101
  4. Apply awet coat in even, parallel passes; overlap each pass 50 percent to avoid holidays, bare areas and pinholes.
  5. Double coat all welds, rough spots, sharp edges and corners, rivets, bolts, etc.
  6. Random pinholes, holidays and small damaged areas can be touched up by brush when film is dry to touch.
    Larger areas should be resprayed.
  7. Clean all equipment with thinner or Amercoat 12 immediately after use.

Temperature Resistance °F °C
Wet 100 38
Dry 250 121

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