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Amercoat 385/385PA
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Components 2
Curing mechanismSolvent release and chemical reaction between components
Volume solids
(ASTM D2697 modified)
68% ± 3%
Dry film thickness per coat4 to 8 mils (100 to 200 microns)
with 880 glassflake6 to 14 mils (150 to 350 microns)
Coats 1 or 2
Theoretical coverageft²/galm²/L
l mil (25 microns)109026.7
4 mils (100 microns)127226.6
385 with 880 at 6 mils (150 microns) will be 185 ft2 per gallon

Mixing ratio (by volume)
385 or 385PA1 part resin to 1 part cure
385 with 880 glassflake 1-gal 880 per mixed 2-gal 385
 5 gal 880 per mixed 10-gal 385

Pot life (hours) °F/°C90/3270/2150/10
385 or 385PA35
with 880 glassflake4

Environmental conditions
Temperature °F °Cair and surface 32 to 120 (0 to 49)
Surface temperatures must be at least 5 °F (3 °C) above dew point to prevent condensation.

Drying time (ASTM D1640) @ 6 mils, DFT (hours)
w/ 880 Glassflake121826192
Topcoat or Recoat Time
Addition of 861 Accelerator does not change dry-to-touch or dry- through times but does accelerate cure for service.

Topcoat or recoat time
450 Series or Amershield143042
385 or 385PA 
  non-immersion*No maximum
  Immersion*6 months - high pressure water wash and roughen surface if exceeded
*When surface is cleaned with Prep 88 according to the instructions

Thinners (up to ½ pt)
Above 70 °F (21 °)Amercoat 101
Below 70 °F (21 °)Amercoat 65
In confined areas thin with Amercoat 101
Equipment cleaner Thinner or Amercoat 12

Application Procedure
Amercoat 385 or 385PA consists of two components which must be mixed together before use. It is packaged in the proper portions in 2- or 10-gallon units.
1.Flush equipment with thinner or Amercoat 12 before use.
2.Stir each component thoroughly, then combine resin and cure and mix until uniform. When using Amercoat 880 glassflake, add material to mixed unit of Amercoat 385 following 880. Instructions for use.
3.Thin only if necessary for workability, add Amercoat 101 up to 1.2 pint (approximately 6%) per gallon of Amercoat 385. Use Amercoat 65 when faster drying is desired. Use Amercoat 101 when applying in confined spaces. Use only PPG recommended thinners.
4.Do not mix more material than will be used within pot life. Pot life is shortened by higher temperatures.
5.For conventional spray, use adequate air pressure and volume to ensure proper atomization.
6.Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes; overlap each pass 50 percent. If required, cross-spray at right angles to avoid holidays, bare areas and pinholes. Note: When applying directly over inorganic zincs or zinc-rich primers, a mist coat/full coat technique may be required to minimize bubbling. This will depend on the age of the primer, surface roughness, and environmental conditions during application and curing.
7.When applying antifouling coatings, apply first antifouling coat while Amercoat 385 is still soft to thumb pressure. Failure to apply antifouling while Amercoat 385 is still soft may result in poor adhesion between coatings and eventual delamination of the antifouling.
8.Normal recommended dry film thickness per coat is 4 to 6 mils for 385 and 6 to 14 mils for 385 with 880. However, if greater thickness is applied in local areas because of overlapping, no runs or sags will normally occur at a dry film thickness up to 10 mils for 385 and 16 mils for 385 with 880. Total dry film thickness in two coats must not exceed 16 mils for 385 and 32 mils for 385 with 880.
9.A wet film thickness of 6 mils (150 microns) normally provides 4 mils (100 microns) of dry film.
10.When using brush or roller application method, additional coats may be required to achieve proper film thickness.
11.When a pinhole-free film is required, check film continuity of material with a nondestructive holiday detector such as Tinker and Rasor Model M-1. Apply additional Amercoat 385 to areas requiring touch up.
12.Clean all equipment with thinner or Amercoat 12 immediately after use.

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