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Amercoat 137 quick reference

Components 2
Mixing ratio (by volume)4 part resin to 1 part cure
Curing mechanismSolvent release and chemical reaction between components
Volume solids
(ASTM D2697, modified)
67% ± 3%
Dry film thickness (per coat)2-6 mils (50-150 microns)
Coats1 or 2
Theoretical coverageft²/galm²/L
per mil (25 microns) 107526.5
Pot Life at 77°F/25°C4 hours

Environmental Conditions
      Air and Surface40 to 1205 to 50
      Material (minimum)404
Surface temperatures must be at least 5°F (3°C) above dew point to prevent condensation.
Equipment CleanerThinner or Amercoat 12

Application Procedure
Amercoat 137 primer can be applied by both conventional air spray and airless spray equipment.

For air spray application, a fluid tip of .070" to .086" (DeVilbiss E and D tips) and an air cap with good break-up such as DeVilbiss 704 or 765 will give good results. The fluid pressure should be kept low, about 15 PSI, with just enough air pressure to get good break-up of the coating. Excessive air pressure can cause overspray problems.

Where airless equipment is used, a 30 to 1 pump and .021" to .023" tip size will provide a good spray pattern. Ideally, fluid hoses should not be less than 3.8" ID and not longer than 50 feet, not including short 1.4" ID whips. Larger diameter hoses should be used for long fluid lines. Long fluid lines with narrow hoses will greatly reduce fluid pressure at the gun, causing poor spray patterns.

For touch-up work, Amercoat 137 primer can be applied by brush or roller. Care should be taken that proper and uniform film thicknesses are obtained.

Mixing and Thinning
Amercoat 137 primer is a two component product supplied in 5 gallon monopack kits which contain the proper ratio of resin and cure. The entire contents of each container must be mixed together.

Power mix the resin portion first to obtain a smooth, homogeneous condition. After mixing the resin portion, add the cure slowly with continued agitation. After the cure add is complete, continue to mix slowly for 15 minutes.

Thinning is not normally required or desired; however, at lower temperatures, up to 10% T-10 thinner can be added depending on local VOC and air quality regulations. Any solvent addition should be made after the two components are thoroughly mixed.

The pot life of the mixed material is 4 hours at 77 °F (25 °C). Higher temperatures will reduce working life of the coatings; lower temperatures will increase it.

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