C. C. Edwards Co. Inc
Industrial & Marine Coatings
272 Dorchester Ave,
P.O.Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)268-4111-4112
E-mail: websales@cgedwards.com

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Dimetcote 9 Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primers

Dimetcote 9H

Product Data
Innovative ethyl silicate formulation provides:

  • High volume solids
  • Fast drying properties for ease in handling
  • High abrasion resistance
  • LowVOC
  • No lead or chromate pigments added
  • Superior corrosion resistance
  • Outstanding application properties

    VOC (EPA method 24) lb/gal g/L
    mixed 2.7 323
    mixed/thinned 1/8 pt/gal 2.8 336
    mixed/thinned 1/2 pt/gal 3.0 362
    mixed/thinned 1 pt/gal 3.3 394

As a single coat, Dimetcote 9H resists severe weathering and marine environments.When used as a primer with recommended topcoats, Dimetcote 9H is resistant to industrial chemical exposure. Dimetcote 9H systems can be used for structural steel, piping, tank exteriors, bridges, offshore platforms,marine hulls, superstructures and decks.

Recommended Topcoats
Standard midcoats/topcoats such as:
Amercoat 370 Amercoat 235
Amercoat 385 Amercoat 240
Amerlock 2/400 PSX 700
Amercoat 383H

Dimetcote 9H surface must be clean and dry before topcoating. Water soluble contaminants`may be`washed off`with`water. Remove grease and similar contaminants`with an emulsion type cleaner or neutral detergent. Rinse`with clean`water and allow`to dry. Solvent`wiping is not satisfactory as contamination`may only be spread and not removed. In some cases a`mist coat/full coat technique may be required to prevent application bubbling.

Recommended Thinners
Amercoat 65 Amercoat 101
Recommended Cleaner
Amercoat 12 or Thinner

Click here for Product Data Sheets
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Dimetcote 9VOC

Product Data

  • High volume solids
  • Fast drying properties for ease in handling
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Low VOC version of original Dimetcote 9
  • Superior corrosion resistance

    VOC (EPA method 24) lb/gal g/L
    mixed 2.7 323
    mixed/thinned 1/8 pt/gal 2.8 336
    mixed/thinned 1/2 pt/gal 3.0 362
    mixed/thinned 1 pt/gal 3.3 394
    Volume solids
    (ASTM D2697 modified)
    68% ± 3%

Typical Uses
As a single coat, Dimetcote 9VOC resists severe weathering and marine environments. When used as a primer with recommended topcoats, Dimetcote 9VOC is resistant to industrial chemical exposure. Dimetcote 9VOC systems can be used for structural steel, piping, tank exteriors, bridges, offshore platforms, marine hulls, superstructures and decks.



AASHTO – Standard Specification for Highway Bridges Table 10.32.3C Allowable Load for Slip Critical Connections Class B

AISC – Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Table 3 Class B

Dimetcote 9VOC surface must be clean and dry before topcoating. Water soluble contaminants may be washed off with water. Remove grease and similar contaminants with an emulsion type cleaner or neutral detergent. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry. Solvent wiping is not satisfactory as contamination may only be spread and not removed. In some cases a mist coat/full coat technique may be required to prevent application bubbling.

Recommended Topcoats
Standard midcoats/topcoats such as:
Amercoat 370 Amercoat 235
Amercoat 385 Amercoat 240
Amerlock 2/400 PSX 700
Amercoat 220 with Amercoat 856 Additive

Recommended Thinners
Amercoat 930 Amercoat 936
Recommended Cleaner
Amercoat 12 or Thinner

Click here for Product Data Sheets
(page will open in new window)

1 Gallon Kit
5 Gallon Kit
Dimetcote 9 Inorganic-zinc silicate primer $ 175.00   $ 875.00
Dimetcote 9H Inorganic-zinc silicate primer $ 185.00   $ 925.00
Dimetcote 9VOC Inorganic zinc silicate primer $ 185.00   $ 925.00

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This site last updated November 23, 2021

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