C. C. Edwards Co. Inc
Industrial & Marine Coatings
272 Dorchester Ave,
P.O.Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)268-4111-4112
E-mail: websales@cgedwards.com

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Amerlock Sealer
100% solids epoxy sealer

Product Data
  • Solventless sealer and tiecoat
  • Penetrates rust and and adheres to aged coatings
  • Compatible with aged coatings
  • Accepts broad range of topcoats
  • Compatible with damp substrates
  • Resists high humidity and moisture
  • Primer for concrete surfaces
  • Curing compound for new concrete.
  • VOC (theoretical) lb/gal g/L
    mixed 0.0 0.0
    Volume Solids 100%

Typical Uses
Amerlock Sealer is a penetrating sealer for marginally prepared steel and aged coatings. Its low viscosity and excellent wetting properties allow it to penetrate rust and discontinuities in existing coatings which in turn improves adhesion of subsequent topcoats. Amerlock Sealer has excellent resistance to corrosive environments.

Amerlock Sealer is also used as a concrete primer/sealer and as a concrete curing compound. When used as a concrete curing compound, Amerlock Sealer is applied to concrete slabs immediately after pouring and finishing, or to formed concrete surfaces as soon as the forms are removed (three days after initial pour). Concrete must cure a minimum of 14 days (total) prior to topcoating with epoxy surfacers or coatings.

Typical Systems Using Amerlock Sealer
First Coat Second Coat Third Coat
Amerlock Sealer Amercoat 370
Amercoat 385
Amerlock 2
Amerlock 400
Amercoat 450
Amerlock Sealer NU-Klad 100A
NU-Klad 110C
NU-Klad 120A
Amerlock 2
Amerlock 400

Recommended Thinners
Amercoat 8 Amercoat 65  
Recommended Cleaner
Amercoat 12 or Thinner

Click here for Product Data Sheets
(page will open in new window)

Qty Item Price
Amerlock Sealer, 2 gallon Kit $ 399.95

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Please be assured that we will continue to do everything within our power to keep any
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