Boxell's Chandlery
A Division of C.G. Edwards

12 "B" St., P.O. Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)-241-2800 * Fax:(617) 268-8845

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Print on demand charts

Pacific Coast
Coastal Charts

Chart List, & Enlarged View
See bottom of page for ordering information

Chart # Description Scale
INT-50 International Chart, North Pacific Ocean, Eastern Part 1:10,000,000
INT-501 International Chart 801, North America, West Coast,
Mexican Border to Dixon Entrance
530 San Diego to Aleutian Islands and Hawaiian Islands 1:4,860,700
531 Gulf of Alaska, Strait of Juan de Fuca to Kodiak Island 1:2,100,000
540 Hawaiian Islands 1:3,121,170
18003 Cape Blanco to Cape Flattery 1:736,560
18007 San Francisco to Cape Flattery 1:1,200,000
18010 Monteray Bay to Coos Bay 1:811,980
18020 San Diego to Cape Mendocino 1:1,444,000
18022 San Diego to San Francisco Bay 1:868,003
18400 Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca 1:200,000
18440 Puget Sound 1:150,000
18480 Approaches to Strait of Juan de Fuca,
Destruction Island to Amphitrite Point
18500 Columbia River to Destruction Island 1:180,789
18520 Yaquina Head to Columbia River 1:185,238
18580 Cape Blanco to Yaquina Head 1:191,730
18600 Trinidad Head to Cape Blanco 1:196,948
18620 Point Arena to Trinidad Head 1:200,000
18640 San Francisco to Point Arena 1:207,840
18680 Point Sur to San Francisco 1:210,668
18700 Point Conception to Point Sur 1:216,116
18720 Point Dume to Purisima Point 1:232,188
18740 San Diego to Santa Rosa Island 1:234,270
19007 Hawaii to French Frigate Shoals 1:1,650,000

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All Print on Demand Nautical Charts are $21.50 U.S. plus S & H

For Traditional NOAA Charts
Click Here

Coast Pilots for the Pacific Coasts

Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii $ 26.00
Pacific Coast Alaska: Dixon Entrance to Cape Spencer $ 26.00
Pacific and Arctic Coasts Alaska: Cape Spencer to Beaufort Sea $ 26.00

Other NOAA and DMA Publications

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This page last updated October 4, 2003

All Images and logo's on this website are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission

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