C.G.Edwards & Co.Inc.

272 Dorchester Ave, P.O.Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)268-4111-4112 * Fax:617-268-8845
E-mail: websales@cgedwards.com


Clearance Specials
Extremely limited availability

All sales on these items are final.
No backorders

004 2.25 Double w/Becket $81.00
008 3.00 Double Block w/Becket $66.65
018 2.25 Hexaratchet Cheek Block (Port) w/Fasteners $59.90
027 1.75 Dinghy Cheek Block with Fasteners $23.50
042 Fiddle Hexaratchet w/Adjustable Cam Cleat & Becket $172.05
047 2.25 Thru Deck Block w/Coverplate $41.25
053 Little Fiddle Block $48.70
057 Little Fiddle w/Adjustable Cam-Matic Cam Cleat $108.65
060 Little Fiddle Hex. w/Adjustable Cam Cleat & Becket $135.45
061 Stanchion Mount Lead Base for 3/8 Swivel Post Blocks $21.95
076 2.25 Triple Block w/Becket $129.75
086 Triple Bullet Block $40.80
087 Triple Bullet w/Becket $43.75
088 Thru Deck Bullet Block $15.70
094 Triple Bullet w/Cam Cleat $72.60
095 Triple Bullet w/Cam Cleat & Becket $75.40
128 Double Big Bullet w/Becket $52.40
129 Triple Big Bullet Block $70.45
131 Thru Deck Big Bullet Block $25.85
134 Dual Sheave In-Line Exit Big Bullet BLock $39.75
140 Big Bullet Exit Block w/#150 Cam Cleat $83.30
141 Big Bullet Exit Block w/Carbo-Cam $74.60
231 Triple Micro Block w/Cam Cleat & Becket $70.45
263 Small boat Heavy Duty Low Profile End Stops (Pair) $20.95
261 Small boat Trim Caps (Pair) $27.85
280 Offshore Cam Cleat $48.95
283 Offshore Cam Wedge Kit $4.64
301 1.00 Wire Cheek Block w/Fasteners $26.80
302 1.00 Wire Thru Deck Block $33.15
305 1.50 Wire Cheek Block w/Fasteners $42.05
306 1.50 Wire Thru Deck Block $47.00
308 2.00 Single Wire Block $62.85
310 2.00 Wire Thru Deck Block $69.80
312 1.00 Single Wire Block w/Becket $30.40
362 Big Bullet w/Micro Cam $63.85
397 2.25 Double Hexaratchet Block $144.40
402 Small Swivel Base w/Double Cam $134.70
403 Large Swivel Base w/Double Cam $143.85
412 Aluminum Double Wide Cam Cleat $73.30
1522 Midrange Low-beam End Stops (Pair) $21.80
1526 Torlon Ball Bearings for Midrange Cars (bag of 25) $16.75
1544 3.00 Midrange Double Block $147.90
1548 3.00 Midrange Cheek Block $57.25
1564 Midrange Fiddle w/Cam Cleat and Becket $218.20

Please Note:
With all the recent cases of on-line credit card and Identity theft,
we feel obliged to inform our customers that neither
C.G. Edwards Co Inc. or Boxell's Chandlery,
under any circumstance sell or divulge any personal information about our customers,
nor do we in any way store confidential information on our server.
Please be assured that we will continue to do everything within our power to keep any
information submitted by our customers as secure as we possibly can.

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This page updated January 1, 2017

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