C.G.Edwards & Co.Inc.

272 Dorchester Ave, P.O.Box 358
Boston, MA 02127
Phone: (617)268-4111-4112 * Fax:617-268-8845
E-mail: websales@cgedwards.com


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Duramax Ultra -X
High Performance Compression Packing

Duramax ULTRA-X is a unique high performance, non-asbestos, braided packing specifically engineered to meet the demands of marine propulsion. It requires no grease, stays flexible and pliable, will not harden, swell or become brittle.

    Key Features
  • Dissapates Friction Heat
    Over five times more thermally conductive than flax and PTFE
  • Grease Free Installation
    Self-lubricating and comfortable, easy to install and remove after use
  • Virtually eliminates shaft scoring
    stays pliable, never hardens or becomes abrasive, even at high shaft speeds
  • Leakage prctically eliminated
    doesn't shrink, keeps bilge drier and free of oily contaminants
  • Lasts over 5 times longer than other packing
    doesn't get consumed in use, holds it's shape and dimension


Always runs cool, even at high shaft speeds
Transfers friction heat to stuffing box

Duramax Ultra-X dissipates frictional heat from the shaft transfering it to the stuffing box, which function as a heat sink, lowering the temperature of the shaft and the packing at all shaft speeds. In contrast, flax packing acts as an insulator, trapping frictional heat that can cause shaft damage and loss of seal.

Minimizes shaft wear and equipment damage
Ultra-low friction Duramax Ultra-X always remains pliable. Flax and PTFE packing will harden, get brittle and be consumed in use, resulting in shaft scoring and costly replacement. Abrasives will not embed into Ultra-X packing unlike flax with it's sticky lubricants which actually act as a holder for abrasives causing shaft damage.
practically eliminates a dripping stuffing box
Ultra-X experiences no shrinkage, keeps it's shape and dimension, and requires virtually no water for lubrication. Keeps bilge dry and clean of oily contaminants.
Experiences no packing failure
Duramax Ultra-X experiences no thermal expansion. It is not consumed during operation, so it never needs additional rings before the next scheduled haulout. This eliminates the need for constant gland adjustments

Available in 13 standard sizes
Size 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/4"
Approx ft/lb 67 35 20 13 9.5 7 5 4 3.2 2.3 1.8 1.4 1

Duramax Ultra-X Comes packed standard on spools of 1, 3, 5, and 10 pounds

Bulk Spools of 25 ald 35 pounds are also available

If you would like more information or a price quote on any of these items,
please fill out the form below or call us at 617-268-4111

E-mail Address
Telephone Number
Quantity (lbs)
Comments or additional information


If you would like to check the status of an order,
Click here

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This site last updated March 1, 2011

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